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Hi Welcome to my blog! I'm Cheryl Bird. I'm a Law Professor. A blogger. Loves to travel. I love talking to people with great sense of humor.

Launch A Business With Crowdfund King

If you’ve ever wanted to start a business but weren’t sure how to come up with the needed funds, now you can! Michael Lauchlan and the Crowdfund King program helps entrepreneurs take advantage of the crowdfunding revolution. Michael shows people how to create, launch, and promote their own successful crowdfunding projects. Visit, Crowdfundking for more information.


Never heard of crowdfunding? You’ll never launch a business the same way again after you see how much some people are making with this. Crowdfunding allows people to post their ideas on crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo so you can accept “contributions” in exchange for “rewards”. This can be used to raise money for anything such as products, phone apps, or even restaurants. You’re only limited by your imagination!


For example: Michael Lauchlan created a crowdfunding project for his bamboo sunglasses venture. Although he only had a few prototypes at the time, he allowed people to pre-order them on his crowdfunding page. The result? Michael raised nearly $25,000 in just a few weeks. This allowed him to cover all the design, manufacturing, and other experiences to get the inventory. After he received the inventory he delivered the sunglasses to everyone who contributed to the crowdfunding project.


This allowed Michael to raise the capital he needed to launch his business. But notice how he didn’t have to give up a portion of his company like he would have if taking venture capital. He also didn’t need to take on risky loans from the bank to try to make things work. And even better, he didn’t have to borrow money from family or friends to take a shot at the American dream. All Michael did was create, launch, and promote a crowdfunding project and them BOOM, he had a profitable business in no time.


Now are you starting to see the potential crowdfunding has to jumpstart your success? Before starting a crowdfunding project you first need to forget everything you ever learned about business. It’s almost like opposite land. With crowdfunding you sell the products before you have them! It’s like validating and turning your ideas into money instead of building and investing in a business and hoping it works out. Crowdfunding gives entrepreneurs a risk free way to start a business quickly and easily, if you do it right.


After helping thousands of entrepreneurs launch their own profitable business using crowdfunding, Michael is sharing is knowledge. Not all crowdfunding projects are successful because they do not follow Michael’s Crowdfund King program. He shows entrepreneurs his exact methods that he uses to create, launch, and promote a successful crowdfunding project.


Michael believes that money solves all problems when it comes to starting a business. So he Crowdfund King program is designed to help entrepreneurs raise as much money as possible to take their business ideas to the next level. Many crowdfunders lack the expertise in launching a successful project the first or second time. Michael is works with a select number of people in his program to turn them into crowdfunding experts. To apply to work with Mike Lauchlan go to his website Mike Lauchlan.




Crowdfund King Review: My Journey to $25K

Hi Mike Lauchlan here, I wanted to review my Crowdfund King program with you. In case you haven’t been to any of my Live Crowdfunding Bootcamp events, I’m going to take you through my program from start to finish.


First off, what is crowdfunding and how can it change your life? Let me tell you a story about how I launched my first business and changed my life forever. I was a broke college student about to graduate from UC Riverside. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do after graduating, I just knew one thing: I didn’t want to get stuck working some crappy job. You may click Crowdfundking to learn more.


I knew entrepreneurism was the ticket to getting everything I wanted in life: financial freedom, freedom to travel, independence, and a quality lifestyle. I had a lot of drive and vision, but what I needed was a path to success. I was grinding and grinding trying to make my first venture work: a brand of sustainable bamboo sunglasses called Waybu. But it just wasn’t working.


I knew that I couldn’t make a living with a business that hadn’t fully launched yet. But I also knew that if I started working a day job that I’d probably just keep putting it off. Then I discovered crowdfunding. Crowdfunding allowed me to go all in, and focus 100% in an all or nothing type of business launch. I saw other entrepreneurs doing very well with this little known method. So I dove in and learned everything I could. I even interviewed and met other successful crowdfunders and internet marketers to learn their secrets.


My research paid off. I launched my crowdfunding project and raised nearly $25,000 in just 3 weeks on Indiegogo. It was a huge success for me. I finally didn’t have to worry about my business going under. I could focus on growth and actually start thriving. I finally had the money to spend on real marketing and the proper equipment to start making some real money.


Since launching my first crowdfunding project for Waybu sunglasses, I have helped thousands of entrepreneurs create, launch, and promote their own crowdfunding projects. I believe crowdfunding solves the #1 obstacle for new entrepreneurs: money! In my experience as a successful entrepreneur, money solves all problems. In my crowdfund king program I show you my exact methods that to raising tens of thousands of dollars quickly to help launch your business ideas.


I’m on the lookout for new crowdfunding ideas to launch. If you’re interested in launching a business with crowdfunding then you should apply for my program. I’m looking to work with a select number of motivated entrepreneurs who want to take their business ideas to the next level. Apply online at Mike Lauchlan.